DataType - AbnormalTrafficTypeEnum

<< enumeration >> D2LogicalModel.General.PayloadEnumerations.AtoD
<<enumeration>> Collection of descriptive terms for abnormal traffic conditions specifically relating to the nature of the traffic movement.

List of values

Name Data Type Order Definition    
stationaryTraffic EnumerationLiteral 0 Traffic is stationary, or very near stationary, at the specified location (i.e. average speed is less than 10% of its free-flow level).    
queuingTraffic EnumerationLiteral 1 Traffic is queuing at the specified location, although there is still some traffic movement (i.e. average speed is between 10% and 25% of its free-flow level).    
slowTraffic EnumerationLiteral 2 Traffic is slow moving at the specified location, but not yet forming queues (i.e. average speed is between 25% and 75% of its free-flow level).    
heavyTraffic EnumerationLiteral 3 Traffic is heavy at the specified location (i.e. average speed is between 75% and 90% of its free-flow level).    
unspecifiedAbnormalTraffic EnumerationLiteral 4 There are abnormal traffic conditions of an unspecified nature at the specified location.    
other EnumerationLiteral 5 Other than as defined in this enumeration.    

Used By


Multiplicity From Role Role description Association Multiplicity To Role Role description  

Used By (diagrams)